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【 2007-08-08 发布 】 美迪医讯




Medicare Cuts Hurt Sales of Imaging Equipment

Companies that make MRI machines and other expensive diagnostic imaging hardware say their sales are down since Medicare cut payments for outpatient imaging procedures.

The payment changes went into effect in January and are expected to save save $2.8 billion over five years, the Associated Press reports。Sales of scanners made by GE, Siemens, Toshiba and others fell more than 20% last quarter, according to data an industry group provided to the AP。GE alone said its imaging sales took a $150 million hit in the first quarter.

Medicare officials point out that the cuts don’t target hospitals, where the majority of imaging procedures are done。And critics have argued that MRIs and other high-tech scans are sometimes performed without medical need, solely to boost revenues。But the industry and doctors who work in imaging are lobbying in Washington, arguing that the cuts will make it harder for patients to get needed scans.

“When you see legislation like this that retards and restricts the availability of diagnostics, it’s just a bad long-term decision that can negatively affect people’s health,” the president of GE’s health care business told the AP.

Two imaging trade groups hired 23 lobbyists last year to work on Medicare issues, according to the AP。But that may not be enough to turn the tide — Congress has not scheduled any hearings on the imaging reimbursement issue this year, and members of both parties have promised to make more cuts to Medicare spending。

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