德国保赫曼 妙诊双感应式电子血压计-双感双控技术
保赫曼.妙诊™ 全自动上臂式电子血压计(双感应式)
  • 创新的双重感应技术(柯氏音法和示波法)
  • 临床科学验证
  • 时间/日期/脉搏/高低压均同步显示
  • 可储存2名使用者各30次的血压值及平均值并有第三者访客模式的操作功能
  • 清晰的特大液晶显示屏,阅读非常舒适
  • 色彩化的醒目按键
  • 配有周长为22~32厘米的柔软舒适的上臂式袖带
  • 拥有柔软安全的血压计专用储存包
  • 劲量电池可连续测量血压高达1500次

保赫曼.妙诊™ 全自动上臂式电子血压计(双感应式)拥有双感双控技术可根据使用者实际情况,灵活选用柯氏音法和示波法测量血压。因此,它特别适用于患有高血压和不同类型的心律失常的测量者。

妙诊™ 全自动上臂式电子血压计(双感应式)独特优势:

  • 妙诊Duo Control首选柯氏音法测量血压,如同使用医生听诊法测量般的准确。
  • 妙诊Duo Control拥有的双感技术,即使是患有各类心律失常的测量者也可舒适方便地测得相当精准的血压值。
  • 妙诊Duo Control的测量听筒整合在血压计的袖带中,因此极大地减少了因操作不当所致的错误。

妙诊™ 全自动上臂式电子血压计(双感应式) 技术参数


0-300毫米汞柱 /0-40.0KPA

收缩压(SYS):0-250毫米汞柱   /6.67-33.0kPa
舒张压(DIA):40-180毫米汞柱  /5.3-21.3kPa

技术精确度: 臂带压力:±3毫米汞柱,  /0.4KPA
医院测量精确度: 符合EN 1060第3部分的要求
电源功能: 4*1.5V碱性电池     >1500次测量


臂带: 22-32公分
存储容量: 2×30个测量值及平均值
排气阀门: 机械线性阀门

妙诊™ 全自动上臂式电子血压计 优质配件:

妙诊电子血压计 臂带
  妙诊电子血压计 储存包

Tensoval duo control – provides reliable blood pressure monitoring

Tensoval duo control with innovative Duo Sensor Technology combines two advanced monitoring techniques, the oscillometric and Korotkoff method. It provides accurate readings and is easy to use.

While most automatic self-monitoring blood pressure devices only use the oscillometric method, the Duo Sensor Technology primarily measures blood pressure with the very accurate Korotkoff method. Oscillometric readings are provided only in exceptional cases. The high accuracy, extra-large digital display and a memory for 2x30 measurement values also make Tensoval duo control easy to use.

The Korotkoff' method ensures high measuring accuracy and functional reliability and is ideal in the treatment of a wide variety of heart rhythm disorders. Doctors use a stethoscope to detect the Korotkoff sounds and measure blood pressure. Duo Sensor Technology also utilizes this process making it particularly suitable for persons who need accurate readings. This is especially important for persons with high blood pressure because drug treatment can only be optimized when accurate blood pressure values are known. In addition, many patients with specific types of heart rhythm problems can now obtain accurate readings using an automatic blood pressure monitor. As the microphone is integrated directly into the device and not in the cuff, malfunction through improper handling is reduced. Duo Sensor Technology thus provides accurate readings and is easy to use.

The oscillometric technique is a blood pressure monitoring method where pulse waves (caused by arterial pulsation) and not sounds are detected. A processor calculates the most likely blood pressure values based on an algorithm. The measurements are therefore performed indirectly, whereas the Korotkoff method monitors blood pressure directly from the artery. The oscillometric technique is not as accurate as the Korotkoff method but is suitable for persons with very low pulse sounds.

So both measuring methods perfectly complement each other and the device automatically applies the appropriate method for accurate determination of values.