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【 2006-11-22 发布 】 美迪  

一.  公司简介


二. 产品介绍

EHY2000型肿瘤局部热疗仪由Oncotherm Kft公司制造,标准配置有①治疗主机②治疗床③计算机控制系统(包括计算机、显示器、打印机、) 系统操作软件,通过CE0123、 ISO13485, ISO9001国际标准认证及EC检验证书。该设备主要用于治疗深位局部肿瘤(如脑、肝、肾、肺和胃)。电容耦合射频效应,良好的调谐功能,以13.56Mhz频率运作,准确自动聚焦肿留组织。④治疗探头表层带有冷却系统,有效避免治疗时病人产生的不适感或烧伤的可能。设备聚焦准确、加热快操作简便也为医院带来很大便利。设备还具有低辐射(无须屏蔽)、可治疗头部肿瘤(国内还没具备可治疗头部肿瘤设备)、非侵袭性、自动聚集肿瘤等优点,在国内属于超前类产品。

Device developed by capacitive coupling for OncoThermia. It uses a well-tuned radio-frequency (RF) on frequency 13.56 MHz. Proper automatic matching (standing-wave-ratio, SWR £ 1.1) guarantees the standing electric effect. In consequence of the relatively low field-strength (max. 600 V/m) applied between the electrodes of the capacitor (applicators for the coupling to the treated body volume), there is a suppressed penetration into the membrane-protected (approx. 106 V/m) cell interior. The specially constructed applicators fix the patient as a dielectric media in a condenser. Patient in this way becomes a part of a well tuned resonant electric circuit, which carefully matched to have the best SWR. The machine does the matching and all the personalized tuning automatically and measures the electric parameters to keep the procedure strictly controlled. To monitor the tissue temperature, the measured absorbed energy and the impedance is used. The matching of applicators is based on electro-dynamic calculations. Relatively little total power can be applied because of the good selectivity and well-focused heat absorption.
The applicator boluses have well-cooled surfaces to avoid any discomfort or burning the skin-surface and to make the higher treating power applicable without any overheating risk. The maximal heat-energy at maximal bolus cooling can not heat-up the skin-surface over 40 oC.
The equipment tunes resonantly on the actual tumor, considering the differences of the persons and the tumor-status. The treatment is automatically controlled by numerous microprocessors and all data are collected automatically by computer.
The device in its complete setting, is shown in the figure below:

The complete set of the EHY-2000 device

Strict and doubled electric control (SFC conditions) makes the treatment entirely safe. The devices meet with the standards: TUV Product Service Munich, as an International Notified Body, has approved the devices according to the European Medical Device Directive and has certified the device as well as the method by CE0123 [Class II.b.]. The complete procedure of research, development, production and service certified for the ISO13485, ISO9001 and EN46001 standards. The OncoThermia system (under the commercial name EHY2000) has been installed at numerous Clinics and Hospitals.

The complete set of the EHY-2000 device

Strict and doubled electric control (SFC conditions) makes the treatment entirely safe. The devices meet with the standards: TUV Product Service Munich, as an International Notified Body, has approved the devices according to the European Medical Device Directive and has certified the device as well as the method by CE0123 [Class II.b.]. The complete procedure of research, development, production and service certified for the ISO13485, ISO9001 and EN46001 standards. The OncoThermia system (under the commercial name EHY2000) has been installed at numerous Clinics and Hospitals.
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The developed devices EHY-2000 and ECT-2000 have a valid EG-Certificate and are
checked, inspected and certified by
Please click the picture left for a better view...

三. 产品疗效(可用于原发性或转移性肿瘤治疗)

自1989年至今,全世界已有大约150多台EHY2000型热疗设备运行,其中多数在欧洲国家,主要有匈牙利布达佩斯 Peterfy政府医院、与匈牙利布达佩斯 HTT-MED Day-clinic(热疗中心)、奥地利热疗免疫疗治疗中心;参与临床试验机构有:布达佩斯, Ungarn “Semmelweis University” 英国格拉斯哥,Großbritannien “Strathclyde University” 德国波鸿“Grönemeyer-Institut für MikroTherapie(研究所)” 德国,Münster “Fachklinik Hornheide”及Dr. 德国“Georg BrunnerUniversität Witten/Herdecke”等研究所和学院, 临床试验证明,患者除了在存活率方面有所提高,还报告在治疗期间,其生活质量有明显改善。

四. 产品优势 招商优势









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