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儿童H5N1 型禽流感病毒性肺炎的胸部X 线表现

【 2008-05-28 发布 】 临床报道  


儿童H5N1 型禽流感病毒性肺炎的胸部X 线表现
( 附确诊及疑似病例各一例)
金科 陈桦 谭利华 袁友红 肖恩华 罗如平 李望明 徐和平
【摘要】 目的 描述儿童高致病性H5N1 型禽流感病毒性肺炎患者的胸部X 线表现。方法
回顾性分析1 例经世界卫生组织确认为H5N1 型禽流感病毒感染患者及1 例疑似患者的胸部X 线表
现。结果 2 例患者的胸部X 线表现特点为: 两肺大致对称、广泛分布的团絮状及大片状渗出病变,
密度较高, 边缘模糊; 动态观察短期内病灶形态变化快, 呈游走性; 后期遗留纤维化病变。结论 儿童
高致病性H5N1 型禽流感病毒性肺炎的动态胸部X 线表现具有一定特征性。熟悉其胸部X 线表现
有助于该病的诊断, 但最终确诊须依靠流行病学史及实验室检查。
【关键词】 儿童; 肺炎, 病毒性; 流感; 放射摄影术, 胸部
The chest X-ra y manifestat ions of childr en with highly pa thogenic H5N1 a via n influenza virus
infection ( a r eport of 1 final diagnosis ca se and 1 bor der line case) J IN Ke* , CHEN Hua , TAN Lihua,
YUAN You-hong, XIAO En-hua , LUO Ru-ping, LI Wa ng-ming, XU He-ping. * Depa rtment of
Radiology, Hunan Province Child′s Hospita l, Changsha 410007, China
【Abstr act】 Objective To describe the chest X-ray manifestations of children with highly pathogenic
H5N1 avian influenza virus infection. Methods The pulmonary X-ray findings in 1 patient was confirmed by
the World Health Organization infected H5N1 avian influenza virus and 1 borderline patient was
retrospectively analyzed. Results Both sides of lung field showed the cloudy and massive infiltration in
chest X-ray film. The lesions of lung distributed extensively and symmetrically. Radiological dynamic
changes showed the variation of the lesions of lung was quick in a short time. It had a characteristic of roving
around. The lesions of lung appeared fibrosis at the period of the end. Conclusion There are some
radiographic characteristics in children with H5N1 avian influenza virus infection. It will be helpful for its
diagnosis when getting familiar with its X-ray manifestations, but the final diagnosis is dependent on the
epidemiology history and laboratory results.
【Key wor ds】 Child; Pneumonia, viral; Influenza; Radiography, thoracic


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