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MR 氢质子波谱在乳腺肿块应用中的价值及技术干扰因素分析

【 2008-07-29 发布 】 临床报道  


MR 氢质子波谱在乳腺肿块应用中的价值及
赵斌 蔡世峰 于台飞 彭洪娟 李慧华
【摘要】 目的 探讨MR 氢质子波谱( 1 H-MRS) 在乳腺肿块中的应用价值及技术干扰因素。
方法 回顾性分析手术后经病理证实的47 个乳腺肿块的1H-MRS 特征。其中恶性肿瘤24 个, 良性肿
瘤23 个, 均于增强扫描前行1H-MRS 检测。结果 24 个恶性病灶中11 个于3. 24 ppm( × 10 - 6 ) 处出
现胆碱( Cho) 共振峰。23 个良性病变中4 个于3. 24 ppm 处出现Cho 共振峰。以1H-MRS Cho 峰鉴别
乳腺肿块良恶性, 敏感性为45. 8% , 特异性为82. 6% 。结论 1 H-MRS 检测到Cho 并非乳腺恶性病变
的特异表现。不论良性或恶性病变, 只要在短期内迅速生长, 1H-MRS 即可测得Cho。检出率较低的
【关键词】 乳腺疾病; 乳腺肿瘤; 磁共振波谱学; 病理学
Study of clinica l value and influencing fa ctors of 1H-MR spectr oscopy in mammar y tumors
ZHAO Bin* , CAI Shi-feng, YU Tai-fei, PENG Hong-jua n, LI Hui-hua. * Shandong Medica l Imaging
Research Institute, Jinan 250021, China
【Abstra ct 】 Object ive To investigate the diagnostic value of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy
( 1H-MRS) in mammary tumors and to discuss the technique factors which influence the detection
rate. Methods The 1H-MRS features of 47 mammary tumors , of which 24 malignant tumors and 23 benign
tumors confirmed by pathology were analyzed. All of the tumors were detected before Gd-DTPA
enhancement. Results Eleven of 24 malignant tumors showed increased choline resonance peak at
3. 24 ppm while 4 of 23 benign ones at 3. 24 ppm . The positive value were 45. 8% and 17. 4% respectively.
The sensitivity and specificity were 45. 8% and 82. 6% respectively by using 1H-MRS to discriminate benign
from malignant tumors. The main factors influencing the detection rate were low suppressed lipid, low
suppressed water and low single-noise rate. Conclusion Choline is not special features of malignant tumors.
Choline can be obtained despite the nature of tumor if they grow rapidly. The low sensitivity of choline to be
detected mainly dues to technique factors.
【Key wor ds】 Breast diseases ; Breast neoplasms; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Pathology

MR 氢质子波谱在乳腺肿块应用中的价值及--乳腺.rar

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