  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 美科研人员发现所有形式的吸烟都危害胎儿  


【 2005-08-15 发布 】 美迪医讯



美国匹兹堡大学公共健康研究生院环境与职业健康副教授、该项研究的作者Stephen G. Grant博士指出:“这项分析显示,不仅在妊娠期间吸烟能够导致基因损害,这些损害能够在出生的时候被检测出来;而且被动吸烟或者暴露于“二手烟雾与主动吸烟一样,可以导致同样的损害。”



All Smoking Risky for Fetus
A study has found evidence of genetic mutation in cord blood from newborns that suggests second-hand smoke is just as detrimental to a developing fetus as maternal smoking.

In the new study, researchers looked at mutation rates at the HPRT gene located on the x chromosome in cord blood samples from newborns. They looked for frequency of induced mutation as well as the resulting molecular spectrum of mutations. In particular, the new analysis redefines the nonsmokers used as controls to consider their exposure to tobacco smoke through other family members at home, at work, or in social situations.

“This analysis shows not only that smoking during pregnancy causes genetic damage that can be detected at birth but also that passive--or secondary--smoke exposure causes just as much damage as active smoking and it is the same kind of damage,” noted study author Stephen G. Grant, Ph.D., associate professor of environmental and occupational health at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health (PA, USA).

The new study was published in the July 26, 2005, issue of the online journal BMC Pediatrics. Earlier studies that considered the effects of tobacco on fetuses largely discounted the effects of secondary smoke.

“These kinds of mutations are likely to have lifelong repercussions for the exposed fetus, affecting survival, birth weight, and susceptibility to disease, including cancer,” added Dr. Grant.

本文关键字: 吸烟,胎儿 
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