  首页 > 美迪医讯 > VisEn在分子影像学会年会上展示了荧光分子X线断层扫描系统  


【 2005-09-26 发布 】 美迪医讯



VisEn医学公司总裁兼首席执行官Kirtland G.Poss说:“消费者对我们技术的认同接受度如此之高,我们感到十分兴奋,并打算扩大我们产品的商业运输以及使用。我们的产品是第一种能够在动物中真正进行定量、荧光三维成像的的光学系统。”

Fluorescence Molecular Tomography System
A fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) system and optical probe device were presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Imaging (SMI) in September in Cologne ( Germany).

A pioneer in the field of molecular imaging, VisEn Medical (Cambridge, MA, USA), a pioneer in the field of molecular imaging and the developer of the technology, began selling a pre-commercial version of its instrument and its line of optical probe products in the first half of 2005. Underscoring the quantitative power and broad utility of the technology, VisEn’s scientists presented a total of 18 abstracts at the SMI meeting, including those on applications in cancer drug testing, cardiovascular disease, and bone remodeling.

“We are extremely pleased by the strong customer acceptance of our technology and look forward to expanded commercial shipments and use of our instrument,” said Kirtland G. Poss, president and CEO of VisEn Medical. “Ours is the first optical system to enable truly quantitative, deep tissue, three-dimensional tomographic imaging of fluorescence in animals.

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