  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Acclarent公司开发出鼻窦炎治疗新方法  


【 2005-10-10 发布 】 美迪医讯

在2005年9月美国洛山矶举行的美国鼻腔学会年度会议上,介绍了一种叫做Balloon Sinuplasty的治疗鼻窦炎新方法。


 William Bolger医生是一位公认的鼻窦手术专家,他介绍了这种新的治疗方法,他说:“这种技术为慢性鼻窦炎患者提供了一项新的治疗选择。 过去我们就认识到保留粘膜(覆盖鼻窦的组织层)对治疗的远期效果是至关重要的。”


Relieva是由Acclarent公司(Menlo Park, CA, USA)研制开发的,该公司是眼、鼻和喉医疗设备的专业制造商。

New Treatment for Sinusitis
A new treatment for sinusitis, called Balloon Sinuplasty, was unveiled at the annual meeting of the American Rhinologic Society in Los Angeles (CA, USA) in September 2005.

Conventional sinus surgery involves bone and tissue removal. In the new procedure, a small flexible balloon is threaded through the sinus passageways, gently dilating the openings of the sinuses and allowing for immediate drainage. A pilot study of 10 patients showed the procedure successfully dilated the ostium in all patients with no complications or adverse effects. The comparison of pre- and post-computed tomography (CT) scans, multi-angled endoscopic views, and gross examination confirmed the safety of the technique. A new study is ongoing.

“This technology provides a novel treatment option for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis,” said Dr. William Bolger, MD, FACS, a recognized expert in sinus surgery who presented the new treatment. “Over the years we have realized that preserving the mucosa, the layer of tissue covering the sinuses, is very important for good long-term results.”

After placing a small guiding catheter into the nose under endoscopic vision, a small guidewire is introduced into the sinus targeted for therapy. Once the sinus is accessed, a proprietary balloon device called Relieva is introduced into the swollen sinus passageway under x-ray guidance. The Relieva sinus balloon catheter is then dilated, gently restructuring and widening the walls of the passageway, maintaining the integrity of the sinus lining and allowing for immediate drainage of trapped secretions.

Relieva was developed by Acclarent, Inc. (Menlo Park, CA, USA), a developer of medical devices for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists.

本文关键字: Acclarent公司,鼻窦炎 
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