  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 以色列BSP公司推出基于HyperQ的新型心脏缺血检查系统  


【 2005-10-28 发布 】 美迪医讯





“由BSP开发的抽取HyperQ信号的该项技术,能够整合用于各种临床检查系统,为缺血性疾病提供无与伦比的检测能力。” 生物信号处理有限公司(BSP, Tel Aviv, Israel)创始人兼首席执行官Amir Beker博士如此说到,正是该公司开发了HyperQ系统。该公司建立于2000年,主要由信号处理专家、生物医学工程师、和临床医生组成。该公司获得的大量资金资助来自以色列工业和商业部首席科学家事务处(OCS),用以支持BSP公司的下一个产品HyperQ静息监视器。

System to Detect Cardiac Ischemia
A new system for performing a stress electrocardiogram (ECG) also allows high-frequency mid-QRS analysis, offering an effective noninvasive tool for the detection of ischemic heart disease.

Results from a large-scale study of the HyperQ stress system were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm (Sweden) in September 2005. The study involved 900 patients referred for myocardial perfusion imaging by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The results indicated that the HyperQ analysis significantly improved the diagnostic ability of the stress test, reaching a sensitivity of 78% and specificity of 86%.

The HyperQ stress system uses sophisticated analysis of the ECG signal to provide a reliable measure for cardiac ischemia, based on the high-frequency components of the ECG. The system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has received the CE Mark.

“The technology developed by BSP to extract the HyperQ signal can be ntegrated within a wide range of clinical systems, offering unmatched detection abilities for ischemic conditions,” said Dr. Amir Beker, founder and CEO of Biological Signal Processing Ltd. (BSP, Tel Aviv, Israel), which developed the HyperQ system. The company was founded in 2000 by signal-processing experts, biomedical engineers, and clinicians. The company has been awarded a large grant by the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Israel for the development of BSP’s next product, the HyperQ Rest Monitor.

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