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【 2005-12-12 发布 】 美迪医讯


该线圈在美国、欧洲和亚洲的3T核磁共振临床检测市场已经开始供应。MR设备公司(MRII; Minneapolis, MN, USA)开发了这种产品,该公司下列产品获得了CE标志认证,用于3特斯拉(3T)核磁共振的TEM单通道、发射/接收、15-元素调制队列头和超级线圈。MRII使用Cheetah线圈的商标向市场推广这些线圈。

Cheetah线圈是使用MR设备公司拥有知识产权的ICE(诱导耦连元件)技术来设计开发的,是以TEM (横向电磁)为基础的。在2005年的第二季度,MR设备公司首次获得了FDA对使用GE(Chalfont S. Giles, UK)的Cheetah线圈和Siemens(Erlangen, Germany)3T MRI系统的许可。在2005年度第二季度的晚些时候,他们通过了极其重要的Siemens集团对Siemens 3T Trio和Tim systems系统的统一性检测。MRII预期这个具有里程碑意义的结果,将会增强与Siemens的关系,从而支持他们的3T系统。
New MRI Coils
In contrast to conventional coil technology, newly developed magnetic resonance imaging coils utilize RF (radiofrequency) power with great efficiency--overcoming associated safety concerns, reducing scan time, and producing levels of detail that were previously not obtainable.

The coils are available for 3T MRI clinical markets in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Developed by MR Instruments, Inc. (MRII; Minneapolis, MN, USA), the company received CE Mark certification for its TEM single channel, transmit/receive, 15-element tuned array head and extremity coils for 3 Tesla (3T) MRI. MRII markets these coils under the brand name Cheetah Coils.

Cheetah Coils are designed with MR Instruments’ proprietary ICE (inductively coupled elements) technology, based on TEM (transverse electromagnetic) patents. In the second quarter of 2005, MR Instruments received its first FDA clearance for the use of Cheetah Coils in GE (Chalfont S. Giles, UK) and Siemens (Erlangen, Germany) 3T MRI systems. Later in the second quarter of 2005, they passed important Siemens corporate conformity testing for the Siemens 3T Trio and Tim systems. MRII anticipates that this significant milestone will expand its relationship with Siemens to support their 3T system requirements.

本文关键字: MR公司,核磁共振,线圈 
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