  首页 > 美迪医讯 > SonoSite公司推出只有8磅重的便携式超声  


【 2005-12-20 发布 】 美迪医讯


这种手提式配置强大的性能能够为医护人员无论载医院内或者办公室内,都能够提供优越的灵活性和高效率。MicroMaxx是由SonoSite公司(Bothell, WA, USA)研制开发的,能够在数秒钟之内组装成功,依靠电池供应即可工作长达4个小时。这套系统的性能和多功能性促使某些放射科重新评估他们巨大的车载系统,因为这套便携式系统能够在任何环境中使用。

MicroMaxx的其它特点包括,该公司具有知识产权的“芯片融合(Chip Fusion)”技术,这种技术通过整合数字信号处理和多重超声功能,让手提系统就可以具有与车载系统相同的图像清晰度。该系统还提供了SonoCalc内膜媒介厚度(IMT)软件的备选功能,可以用于心血管疾病的早期检测和处理。

Portable Ultrasound System
A new portable ultrasound system, at less than eight pounds and the size of a notebook, provides image resolution and performance comparable to expensive, traditional cart-based systems weighing over 200 pounds.

This robust power in a hand-carried configuration provides caregivers with excellent flexibility and efficiency in using ultrasound in both hospital and office-based environments. The MicroMaxx, developed by SonoSite, Inc. (Bothell, WA, USA), boots up in seconds and can operate on battery power for up to four hours. The performance and versatility provided by this system is leading some radiology departments to re-evaluate their purchases of large, cart-based system in favor of acquiring this portable system that can be carried anywhere.

Other features of the MicroMaxx include the company’s proprietary Chip Fusion technology, which enables cart-based image resolution in a hand-carried unit by integrating digital signal processing and multiple ultrasound functions. The system also offers the option of embedded SonoCalc intima media thickness (IMT) software for the early detection and management of cardiovascular disease.

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