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【 2006-01-10 发布 】 美迪医讯


CoTherix公司(San Francisco, CA, USA)和Respironics公司(Murrysville, PA, USA)已经宣布将I-neb自适应性气溶胶输送(AAD)设备用于Ventavis吸入解决方案。





Device for Pulmonary Hypertension
A portable, battery-operated inhalation device is designed for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension.

CoTherix (San Francisco, CA, USA) and Respironics, (Murrysville, PA, USA) have announced the launch of the I-neb adaptive aerosol delivery (AAD) device for Ventavis inhalation solution.

The I-neb weighs less than eight ounces and can be carried discreetly in a purse, pocket, or briefcase and employs Respironics’ AAD System, which continually adapts to an individual patient’s breathing pattern and delivers medication only on inspiration.

Ventavis is indicated for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in patients with Class III or IV symptoms. Ventavis is an inhaled formulation of iloprost, a synthetic compound that is structurally similar to prostacyclins, naturally occurring molecules that cause blood vessels to dilate. The U.S. Food and Dug Administration (FDA) expanded CoTherix’s label in August 2005 to include the use of the I-neb for the administration of Ventavis.

Pulmonary hypertension is a rare blood vessel disorder of the lungs in which the pressure in the pulmonary artery rises above normal levels and may become life threatening. Its cause is currently unknown, but may result from other diseases that cause a restriction of blood flow to the lungs, including scleroderma, HIV and lupus.

Symptoms of the disease include fatigue, shortness of breath upon exertion, chest pain, and dizziness. Left untreated, the median survival time following diagnosis may be as short as three years. However, under treatment some patients are able to manage the disorder for 15 to 20 years or longer.

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