  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Tecan公司推出基因芯片扫描仪的质量控制工具  


【 2006-01-27 发布 】 美迪医讯


LaserCheck被设计用于高度复杂的Tecan Iberica设备公司(Barcelona, Spain)LS和LS重装系列的基因芯片扫描仪。这种工具进行45分钟、100点的诊断测试,使用广谱荧光染料,可以耐受激光束,检测LS系列扫描仪中的各种激光,提供电子和硬拷贝两种形式的记录文件。



New QC Tool for Microarray Scanners
A new quality assurance tool is a unique, solid-state diagnostic tool that ensures continued performance of microarray scanners by comprehensively testing the related optical, mechanical, and electronic systems.

LaserCheck is designed for use with the highly complex LS and LS Reloaded series of microarray scanners of Tecan Iberica Instrumentation (Barcelona, Spain).

This tool operates a 45-minute, 100-point diagnostic test, using a wide spectrum fluorescent dye, which is resistant to laser bleaching, to check the multiple lasers present in the LS series scanners, and provides documented test verification in both electronic and hard copy formats.

LaserCheck can increase the efficiency of routine tests, Tecan noted, by reducing the time taken to perform them, thereby freeing resources for other activities. LaserCheck’s hightened sensitivity helps users to identify and troubleshoot operational problems, giving them more confidence in the results and avoiding the false-positives or false-negatives often encountered with standard scanner routines.

Each LaserCheck plate offers unlimited reuse and requires only annual recalibration, making it an economic option for development and production facilities, where high performance and throughput requirements of scanners demand a quick and accurate quality assurance tool.

本文关键字: Tecan公司 
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