  首页 > 美迪医讯 > OmniSonics公司推出新型血管内超声系统  


【 2006-02-27 发布 】 美迪医讯

一种新型超声波血管内系统被设计用于治疗血栓合成透析移植(thrombosed synthetic dialysis access grafts)。这种系统已经获得了美国食品药品管理局的许可。

Resolution血管内系统是由OmniSonics医疗技术公司(Wilmington, MA, USA)制造的,是一种便携式系统,由两种主要成分组成,发生器和Resolution系统工具何。该工具盒有贴附导线的手工配件和附属的冲洗导管。这种手工配件将来自发生器的电子信号转换为低能量的超声能量,在整个长度的小直径治疗导线内360o发射,产生气穴流体作用,从而破碎血栓中的纤维基质,而且不会破坏周围结构。


Treatment for Thrombosed Dialysis Grafts
A new ultrasonic endovascular system is designed for use in the treatment of thrombosed synthetic dialysis access grafts. The system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Resolution endovascular system, made by OmniSonics Medical Technologies (Wilmington, MA, USA), is a portable system that consists of two primary components, the generator and the Resolution system kit. The kit consists of a hand-piece with an attached wire and accessory irrigation tubing. This hand-piece converts the electronic signal from the generator to low-power ultrasonic energy transmitted 360o along the entire length of a small-diameter therapeutic wire, generating a cavitational streaming effect that breaks the fibrin matrix found in the thrombus without damaging surrounding structures.

The device is currently being evaluated for use in the treatment of peripheral occlusive conditions (deep vein thrombosis, peripheral limb ischemia, and catheter clearance), as well as neurovascular and coronary applications.

本文关键字: OmniSonics公司 
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