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加拿大开发出早期检测口腔癌的光学设备 【 2006-04-25 发布 】 美迪医讯
该设备是由Calum MacAulay医生研制开发的,他是不列颠哥伦比亚癌症研究中心(Vancouver, Canada)影像学项目负责人,Pierre Lane的博士后研究员。这种视觉增强病变观测仪VELScope是一种轻便的手工设备。在检测光源上附着一根柔软的索带,视觉观测器能够对病变区域进行实时检查。VELScope向口腔发射圆锥型光束,激活细胞内的分子,使其吸收光能,变成可视荧光。使用VELScope将光束投射入口腔中疼痛病变区域,并通过附着的目镜进行检测。正常的口腔组织发出浅绿色荧光,而早期肿瘤或者增生细胞发出暗绿色~黑色光。 Developed by Dr. Calum MacAulay, head of the British Columbia Cancer Research Center’s (Vancouver, Canada) imaging program, and post-doctoral fellow Pierre Lane, the visually enhanced lesion scope VELScope is a lightweight, hand-held device. A flexible cord is attached to the examination light, and a view finder allows direct evaluation of lesions in real time. The VELScope emits a cone of light into the mouth that excites molecules in cells causing them to absorb the light energy and reemit it as visible fluorescence. Using the VELScope, a light can be shone onto a suspicious sore in the mouth, which can be viewed through the attached eyepiece. Normal oral tissue emits a pale green fluorescence, while potentially early tumor or dyplastic cells appear dark green to black. 本文关键字:
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