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C反应蛋白预测ICU感染 【 2006-04-30 发布 】 美迪医讯
研究人员研究了在ICU治疗24小时或者更长时间内患者的CRP水平。在入选患者中35例在监护室内发生了感染而28例没有感染。在患者诊断前5天或者从ICU出院的时候,检查了患者的CRP水平。 研究人员发现CRP水平每日变化大于4.1mg/dl是预测感染的良好指标,敏感性为92.1%而特异性为71.4%。当CRP浓度大于8.7mg/dl的时候,预测权重进一步升高:88% CRP变化大于4.1而且CRP浓度大于8.7mg/dl的患者出现感染。研究人员得出结论,监测CRP变化能够帮助临床决策而且有助于在ICU内使用抗生素。
Researchers analyzed the CRP levels of patients admitted to the ICU during 72 hours or more. Among the patients selected for the study, 35 acquired an infection during their stay in the ICU and 28 did not. Patient records of CRP levels were measured during the five days before diagnosis of infection or ICU discharge. The researchers found that a daily variation of CRP levels greater than 4.1 mg/dl is a good marker for prediction of infection, with 92.1% sensitivity and 71.4% specificity. When combined with a CRP concentration greater than 8.7 mg/dl, the prediction power increased further: 88% of patients with CRP variations greater than 4.1 and a CRP concentration greater than 8.7 mg/dl developed an infection. The researchers concluded that monitoring CRP progression can aid clinical decision-making and the prescription of antibiotics in ICUs. /**/本文关键字:
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