  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 日本开发出确保流感药物供应的新技术  


【 2006-05-04 发布 】 美迪医讯

一组日本研究人员最近开发了一种新技术,用于生产抗流感药物Tamiflu (ostelamivir)而不再依赖天然成分,从而能够帮助在疾病大流行的时候确保药物的稳定供应。

日本Tokyo大学制药科学研究院的研究人员已经发现了一种制造Tamiflu的方法,而不再使用一种来自八角茴香油中的毒八角酸。这种八角属树木的棕色星型果实在中国菜中常常用作调料。这种新技术叫做不对称催化反应, 使用叫做1,4-环己二烯石化产品的产品来生产Tamiflu,从而避免了天气成为影响Tamiflu产量的危险因素。Tamiflu是由Roche公司(Basel, Switzerland)生产的,被认为是对抗人类禽流感好的药物。
Technique to Insure Stable Supply of Flu Drug
A team of Japanese researchers has developed a new technique for producing the anti-flu drug Tamiflu (ostelamivir) that does not rely on natural ingredients, which may help ensure a more stable supply of the drug in the event of a pandemic.

Researchers at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Japan) have found a way to manufacture Tamiflu without using shikimic acid, produced from a spice called star anise. This brownish star-shaped fruit of the illicium verum tree is often used as a spice in Chinese cuisine. The new technique, called asymmetric catalysis, produces Tamiflu from a petrochemical ingredient called 1,4-cyclohexadiene instead, eliminating weather as a risk factor in Tamiflu production. Tamiflu, produced by Roche (Basel, Switzerland), is considered one of the best defenses against avian flu in humans.

本文关键字: 流感 
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