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【 2006-06-07 发布 】 美迪医讯


高级医疗信息系统开发商Global Care Quest公司(GCQ; Aliso Viejo, CA, USA)已经和位于Los Angeles(CA, USA)的城市博士医院达成协议,整合设施中的重症监护医疗系统,确保医生能够通过智能电话、个人数字辅助(PDA)设备和其它移动设备获取信息。

根据该协议,GCQ将建设自己的移动整合临床信息系统(ICIS Mobile),整合入设施中的IT结构之中。在第一阶段,医生将能够进入患者x光计算机断层扫描(CT)系统,以及床边检测设备实时获取生命体征。在将来,GCQ将确保临床医生通过手提设备获取所有的患者信息。ICIS移动系统将小规模分配给10位世纪城市医院的医生,最终扩大到该医院的150位医生。

Mobile Patient-Information System
A new integrated clinical information system can enable a hospital’s information technology (IT) structure to allow clinicians in the intensive care unit, operating room, and the emergency department to review patient data on handheld devices and smartphones over wireless networks and high speed mobile phone systems.

Advanced medical information systems developer, Global Care Quest, Inc. (GCQ; Aliso Viejo, CA, USA), has entered into an agreement with Century City Doctors Hospital in Los Angeles (CA, USA) to integrate the facility’s critical care medical systems and make the information available to physicians via smartphones, personal digital assistant (PDA) devices, and other mobile devices.

Under the agreement, GCQ will build its mobile Integrated Clinical Information System (ICIS Mobile) into the facility’s IT structure. In the first phase, clinicians will have mobile access to patient x-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans as well as real time vital signs from bedside monitoring equipment. Long term, GCQ will enable the clinicians to access all of their patient information systems via handheld devices. The ICIS mobile system will be piloted initially by 10 Century City physicians and eventually extended to as many as 150 clinicians at the facility.

本文关键字: GCQ公司 
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