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【 2006-06-12 发布 】 美迪医讯


扫描时间更短,是由于使用了清晰度恢复重建方法,例如UltraSPECT大光束重建(WBR)技术。这次正式认可允许UltraSPECT公司(Haifa, Israel)继续供应先进的创新的核医学(NM)系统。


Patent Granted for Shorter SPECT Scan Times
The U.S. Patent and Trademark office has granted a patent to a manufacturer of single photon emission tomography (SPECT) systems for shorter scanning time and clinically diagnostic images.

These shorter scan times may be obtained by resolution recovery reconstruction methods such as the UltraSPECT patented Wide Beam Reconstruction (WBR) technology. This formal recognition allows UltraSPECT, Ltd. (Haifa, Israel) to continue to provide advanced and innovative nuclear medicine (NM) systems.

Scanning times of NM cardiac perfusion and bone SPECT studies range between 15 and 30 minutes in a traditional dual head gamma camera. Decreasing the scan time of NM procedures while maintaining image quality is a desirable characteristic for very busy NM clinics as well as for patient comfort. Xpress.cardiac and Xpress.bone, two of the systems that are marketed by UltraSPECT, demonstrate that scan times can be reduced by a factor of two or more with no degradation of image quality.

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