  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Endologix公司推出新型主动脉支架移植物输送系统  


【 2006-06-19 发布 】 美迪医讯


Visiflex输送系统是由Endologix(Irvine, CA, USA)公司研制开发的,设计用于提高ELG输送导管的柔软性。该系统在外鞘出配备了不透辐射的带状标记物以及模块组成成分,能够增加导管可视性,方便了在困难解剖部位平稳地抽出导管。Visiflex输送系统已经获得了欧洲CE标志,并得到了美国食品药品管理局的批准。

这种新型输送系统被设计用于Powerlink ELG系统,该系统也是由Endologix研制开发的,具有双头设计便于使用,避免了分支脱落的危险。一片钴铬合金盒能够降低在曲折部位曲折缠绕。这种设备只需要在腿部切开一个小口,通过皮下进入另外一条腿进行输送。
Improved Delivery of Aortic Stent Grafts
A new system is designed for the delivery of an endoluminal stent graft (ELG) for the minimally invasive treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).

The Visiflex delivery system, developed by Endologix (Irvine, CA, USA), is designed to provide improved catheter flexibility in ELG delivery. The system has an integrated radiopaque band marker on the outer sheath and molded component parts that are expected to enhance catheter visibility and facilitate smoother withdrawal in difficult anatomies. The Visiflex delivery system has received the European CE Mark and has also been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The new delivery system is designed to be used with the Powerlink ELG system, also developed by Endologix, which features a one-piece bifurcated design to facilitate its use and eliminate the risk of limb detachment. A one-piece cobalt-chromium alloy cage reduces the risk of kinking in tortuous anatomy. The device requires only a small incision in one leg and percutaneous access in the other leg for delivery.

本文关键字: Endologix公司 
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