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Charles River实验室推出便携式内毒素检测系统

【 2006-09-13 发布 】 美迪医讯



Charles River实验室(Wilmington, MA, USA)已经获得了美国食品药品管理局(FDA)对这种便携式内毒素检测系统Endosafe-PTS销售和上市的批准。PTS系统将会用于医院、血透诊所、核医学、干细胞研究和行星保护。

Portable System Detects Endotoxins
A portable test system (PTS) can detect endotoxin contaminants in medical devices, biologic products, drugs, and can be used for other applications, including spacecraft missions.

Suitable for point-of-use testing, the hand-held system provides quantitative results in 15 minutes, in contrast to current methods, which take from 45 minutes to several days. The PTS utilizes disposable cartridges that are pre-loaded with reagents and a portable, handheld reader to provide quantitative endotoxin amounts. In addition, the simple one-button operation requires minimal technical training and the data can be stored in the PTS, downloaded to a computer, and/or printed.

Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA, USA) has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the sale and marketing of Endosafe-PTS, the portable endotoxin detection system. The PTS system will be used in hospitals, dialysis clinics, nuclear medicine, stem cell research, and planetary protection.

本文关键字: Charles River实验室,内毒素 
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