  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Indigo Orb公司推出能够检测阻力丧失的新型注射器  

Indigo Orb公司推出能够检测阻力丧失的新型注射器

【 2007-03-07 发布 】 美迪医讯


Episure AutoDetect注射器是在硬膜外麻醉过程中,由弹簧驱动自动LOR注射器。这种注射器使用特殊工程内部压缩弹簧,对活塞使用精确而持续的力量,在硬膜外针头进入硬膜外腔的时候自动缩回,从而无需麻醉师象使用标准LOR注射器那样需要主观“感觉”。除了提供视觉确认之外,Episure还允许操作人员使用双手继续操作硬膜外针,因此可操作性和敏感性十分优越。

Episure AutoDetect注射器是Indigo Orb公司(Irvine, CA, USA)的产品,已经得到了美国食品药品管理局(FDA)和欧盟(EC mark)的批准。

New Syringe Detects Loss of Resistance
A new syringe automatically detects loss of resistance (LOR) during epidural anesthesia, the administering of medications directly into the epidural space.

The Episure AutoDetect syringe is a spring-loaded, automatic LOR syringe used in epidural anesthesia. The syringe utilizes a specially engineered internal compression spring that applies precise and constant force on the plunger that automatically depresses when the epidural needle enters the epidural space, eliminating the subjective "feel" required by the anesthetist with standard LOR syringes. In addition to providing a visual confirmation, the Episure allows the practitioner to continuously advance the epidural needle with both hands, resulting in superior control and sensitivity.

The Episure AutoDetect syringe is a product of Indigo Orb (Irvine, CA, USA), and has been approved by both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Community (EC mark).

本文关键字: Indigo Orb公司,注射器 
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