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【 2007-04-08 发布 】 美迪医讯

四种独特的诊断基因表达谱检测精神分裂症/烦躁抑郁双向疾病患者的血标本,具有统计学差异(p< 0.001)。


血液检测结果与两种独立的Curidium (London, UK)使用该公司的工具Homomatrix大脑研究结果相一致。Homomatrix是一种全自动检测工具,使用了模式识别工具和数学运算法则序列以及统计方法,将来自异质人群的海量基因表达和生物资料进行客观分析。这些检测能够促进治疗-应答和/或者患者亚组诊断方法、信号途径和药物靶标的开发。

Gene Expression Profiles in Blood Diagnosed Mental Illness
Four unique and statistically significantly different (p< 0.001) diagnostic gene expression profiles were identified in blood samples from schizophrenia/bipolar disorder patients.

The gene expression profiles of 115 schizophrenia/bipolar disorder patients and matched controls were analyzed. The result of this analysis showed that each patient/control was a member of only one of four subgroups and each subgroup was associated with a unique and finite number of genes. The genes identified in each subgroup include known and novel drug targets and biomarkers, and the specificity and sensitivity of a potential blood diagnostic test are being determined.

These results in blood are in line with the results from two separate Curidium (London, UK) brain studies using the company’s tool Homomatrix. Homomatrix is a fully automated analysis tool that uses proprietary pattern recognition tools and sequences of mathematic algorithms together with statistical methods to objectively analyze large sets of gene expression and biological data from heterogeneous populations. These analyses can potentially lead to the development of diagnostics that identify treatment-responsive patients and/or patient subgroups, signaling pathways as well as drug targets.

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