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【 2007-07-24 发布 】 美迪医讯


全自动化、高通量的Procleix Tigris系统可在14小时内对1000个血液样本进行检测。其高通量使所需样本的含量很少,换句话说能增加检测的灵敏性和血液的安全性。

美国Gen-Probe公司宣布其Procleix Tigris已得到了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的许可。这是一个全自动化的分子诊断仪器,可与Procleix Ultrio检测联合使用。2007年3月,FDA批准了Gen-Probe公司的另一个检测项目,Procleix西尼罗河病毒检测,在Tigris系统上可进行供体血液的筛选。


Gen-Probe总裁兼CEO说:“随着Procleix Ultrio分析可在Procleix Tigris系统上完成,用户可通过全自动、高通量的系统避免供体血液所带来的潜在风险。此系统在最大提高检测效率的同时最大可能地减少了由于手工所出现的错误。”


Fully Automated High Throughput System Screens Donated Blood

Donated blood, plasma, organs, and tissue can be screened for HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus (HCV) in individual blood donations or in pools of up to 16 blood samples 

The fully automated, high-throughput Procleix Tigris system can process 1,000 blood samples in about 14 hours, a level of productivity that facilitates testing in smaller pool sizes, which in turn can increase assay sensitivity and blood safety. 

Gen-Probe Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA) has announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the company’s Procleix Tigris system, a fully automated molecular diagnostics instrument, for use with the Procleix Ultrio assay. In March of 2007, the FDA approved another Gen-Probe test, the Procleix WNV (West Nile virus) assay, to screen donated blood on the Tigris system. 

The system and assay also detect hepatitis B virus (HBV) in blood donations that are HBV-positive based on traditional serology tests for HBV surface antigen and core antibodies. This has not been approved at this time to screen donated blood for HBV, as the initial clinical studies were not designed to, and did not demonstrate HBV "yield." Yield is defined as HBV-infected blood donations that were intercepted by the Procleix Ultrio assay, but that were initially negative based on the serology tests. 

Henry L. Nordhoff, Gen-Probe’s chairman, president, and CEO said, "With the Procleix Ultrio assay on the Procleix Tigris system, customers can safeguard donated blood against dangerous viruses using a fully-automated, high-throughput system that maximizes the efficiency of testing and minimizes the potential for human error." 

Gen-Probe’s blood screening products are marketed worldwide by Chiron (Emeryville, CA, USA), a business unit of Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc.

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