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【 2007-07-24 发布 】 美迪医讯


英国Sandhurst已经使用SonoSite 180Plus和SonoSite Titan 超声系统,这种超声系统可根据要求选择不同的探头。Simon Brown博士说,SonoSite系统的大小不超过一部膝上电脑,因而它可以从一个地方携带到另一个地方,并且可以供10以上的医护人员共同使用。这一点非常重要,因为不会破坏在忙碌时几个病人的操作流程。



Hand-Held Ultrasound Systems Provide Faster Diagnoses 
A range of new hand-carried ultrasound systems is already being used in several general practitioner (GP) surgeries throughout the United Kingdom, where their portability and speed of readiness are allowing faster diagnosis and time to treatment.
The Sandhurst Group Practice (Berkshire, UK) is now using a SonoSite 180Plus and a SonoSite Titan ultrasound system with a selection of probes. Dr. Simon Brown, a partner at the practice, said, he SonoSite systems are no bigger than a laptop computer, so they can easily be carried from room to room and be shared among the 10 partners and assistant GPs. This portability is vital as it does not disrupt patient flow during busy surgeries.

SonoSite, Inc. (Bothell, WA, USA), is a developer of hand-carried ultrasound systems. SonoSite small, lightweight systems are expanding the use of ultrasound across the clinical spectrum by cost-effectively bringing high performance ultrasound to the point of patient care. 

he use of ultrasound in primary care means that more routine scans can be performed quickly by the GP during a standard appointment. We are also currently looking at providing a full service for DVT [deep vein thrombosis] management, and in obstetrics, we can quickly check bleeding in early pregnancy and fetal presentation near-term during a consultation, both of which will take the pressure off hospital bookings.?Dr. Brown concluded, if I see a patient bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy on a Friday night, to be able to instantly scan and see the fetal heart beating rather than keep her waiting for a Monday morning appointment at the hospital, makes the system worth it in itself.

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