  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Acivicin:治愈非洲嗜睡病的希望  


【 2007-07-24 发布 】 美迪医讯



在Umeå大学 Lars Thelander教授指导的一个项目中,科学家已在先前发现寄生虫CTP合成酶,一种产生CTP的酶类,而CTP的合成可影响寄生虫mRNA的合成,这个过程对于寄生虫的生存至关重要且是治疗疾病的靶位点。




Acivicin: Hope For a Cure For African Sleeping Sickness

Studies of the enzyme CTP synthetase in the parasite Trypanosoma brucei have brought researchers closer to a cure for African sleeping sickness. They have kept trypanosome-infected mice free of symptoms with the cell toxin acivicin.Since the parasite Trypanosoma brucei constantly changes its surface, it can avoid the immune defence of humans and invade the central nervous system, which leads to personality disturbances, sleep disruptions, and ultimately death. For patients affected by a severe Trypanosoma brucei infection in the central nervous system, there are no medicines that can treat both subspecies without incurring extremely serious side effects.
In a project directed by Professor Lars Thelander from Umeå University, scientists have previously discovered that the parasites’ CTP synthetase, an enzyme responsible for the production of CTP - one of the four building blocks for mRNA synthesis, a process that is critical for the survival of the parasite ¬ should be a key target for treating the disease. 

In the current publication scientists have managed to show that the proper content of acivicin, a well-known cell toxin that has previously been used as a cancer drug, can inhibit the parasite’s CTP synthetase, thereby permanently killing the trypanosomes in cell cultures. With daily doses of acivicin, trypanosome-infected mice have also been kept free of symptoms, as opposed to untreated mice that died within a few days. 

“The advantage of acivicin is that it has already been used on humans. All the clinical studies have been performed, and we know that the drug can penetrate the central nervous system, which is not the case with many other medicines for trypanosomes. What's more, it can be taken in tablet form, which is extremely important in countries with limited health-care resources,” says Artur Fijolek from Umeå University, co-author of the article. 

The research team at the Umeå University Department of Medical Chemistry and Biophysics hopes soon to be able to find the appropriate dosage of acivicin that can permanently cure the infected mice. 

本文关键字: 非洲嗜睡病 
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