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【 2008-09-19 发布 】 美迪医讯

这项研究同样发现患有偏头疼的人更容易发生动脉硬化和窄化,这和当前的理论正好相反“这种想法是因为患偏头疼人们更容易中风和发生其他心血管疾病,他们回有更严重的早期动脉粥样硬化” 这个研究的发起人,奥地利因斯布鲁克医科大学的Stefan Kiechl 博士谈到:“这个研究是第一个运用高分辨率超生波去检查这个理论,并且提出了可靠的证据去反驳它。”

Veins: Migraine Linked to Blood Clots
People with migraines may also be more likely to develop blood clots in their veins, according to a study.
In the condition, called venous thrombosis or thromboembolism, blood clots form in a vein, which can limit blood flow and cause swelling and pain. Those clots can then dislodge from the vein and travel to the heart and the lungs, which can be fatal.

For the study, 574 people in Italy age 55 and up were interviewed to determine whether they had a history of migraine or migraine at the time of the evaluation and their medical records were reviewed for cases of venous thrombosis. The arteries in their necks and thighs were scanned with ultrasounds to check for atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

Of the participants, 111 people had migraine. A total of 21 people with migraine also had one or more instances of venous thrombosis, or 19 percent. In comparison, 35 people without migraine had the condition, or 8 percent. Researchers do not know why migraine and venous thrombosis are linked. One theory is that the blood of people with migraine may be more prone to clotting.

The study also found that people with migraine are not more likely to have hardening or narrowing of the arteries, which is contrary to a current theory. “The thinking has been that because people with migraine are more likely to have strokes and other cardiovascular problems, that they would also have more severe and early atherosclerosis,” said study author Stefan Kiechl, MD, of Innsbruck Medical University in Austria. “This study is the first to use high-resolution ultrasound to examine this theory, and it provides solid evidence to refute it.”

本文关键字: 偏头疼 
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