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【 2004-11-15 发布 】 美迪医讯


该系统(被称为Axiom Artis dBA)用于模拟数字成像技术;用于解决现代血管造影术、神经系统放射学和普通血管造影术介入程序所面临的挑战。dBA架构系统同时配备了底部和顶部C臂支架,从而可以灵活地定位并按照程序快速移动。Axiom Artis dBA是由位于德国埃尔兰根(Erlangen, Germany)西门子医疗系统(Siemens Medical Solutions)研制开发的。

该系统不仅可以产生高质量的影像,而且易于操作;同时最大限度地提供放射保护以及最佳的网络连接性能。内科医生通过使用syngo(西门子的标准用户界面)可以共享所有患者的资料,从而在检查过程中就可以创建详细的患者报告。该系统还可以与Axiom Sensis电生理学和血液动力学记录系统相兼容,可以对程序中获得的资料进行准确计算来加快工作进度。该系统整合了CARE(combined applications to reduce exposure,减少暴露组合软件)从而减少了患者和临床工作者的放射暴露。


New Biplane C-Arm for Angiography
The first flat panel detector-based neurointerventional biplane C arm has recently been introduced.
The system, called the Axiom Artis dBA, is used for simultaneous digital imaging techniques, and is designed to overcome the challenges of modern angiography and interventional procedures in neuroradiology and universal angiography. The gantry system for the dBA is equipped with both floor- and ceiling-mounted C-arm stands, allowing for flexible positioning and fast, programmable movements. Axiom Artis dBA was developed by Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany).
The system provides excellent image quality, easy handling, maximum radiation protection, and optimal network connectivity. With syngo, Siemens?standard user interface, all patient data can be shared, and physicians are able to create a comprehensive patient report during the examination. Also, the system is compatible with the Axiom Sensis electrophysiology and hemodynamic recording system, which improves workflow by providing accurate calculations of data obtained during the procedure. The system incorporates combined applications to reduce exposure (CARE) to reduce radiation exposure for both the patient and the clinician. 

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