  首页 > 美迪医讯 > SpectraDigital公司研制出新型艾滋病病毒诊段系统  


【 2004-11-24 发布 】 美迪医讯


在该项研究中,每例患者都将接受标准的病毒表型检测,该检测逐渐成为帮助医生确定哪种药物对HIV感染患者的优势病毒株不再有效的常规工具。这40例患者还将接受另一种抗病毒功效检测,该检测使用加拿大SpectraDigital公司(SDC,Guelp,Canada)推出的HIV SpectraPoint检测法进行。使用这种快速检测方法,医生在24小时内就可以得到结果。这样医生可以在病毒变异成新的耐药株之前,及时作出必要的治疗选择。


SpectraDigital公司总裁Satish Deshpande说:“这项小规模研究在我们HIV诊断学的研究进展中是极其重要的一步。除了我们的初步研究目标:即比较HIV SpectraPoint检测法与标准病毒表型抵抗型检测法之外,我们还将评估新型检测方法在那些病毒负荷低于传统检测方法下限的患者中,检测耐药病毒株的能力。”


New Diagnostic System for HIV

A phase I, double-blind controlled trial of a new diagnostic system for HIV involves 40 HIV-positive patients.
In the trial, each patient will receive a standard phenotype test, an increasingly common tool that can help doctors determine which drugs are no longer effective against the predominant strain in an HIV-infected patient. The same 40 subjects will also receive another antiviral efficacy test generated by the HIV SpectraPoint assay of SpectraDigital Corp. (SDC, Guelp, Canada). Doctors should have the results of this rapid test within 24 hours. This, in turn, allows essential treatment decisions to be made before the virus can develop new, unseen resistance patterns.
The hope is that patients will receive real clinical benefit from rapidly available data supplanting the traditional time window of weeks, and that HIV doctors will at the same time have a more accurate “snapshot” of their patient’s disease.
“This pilot study represents an important step in the development of our HIV diagnostics solutions,” said Satish Deshpande, president of SpectraDigital. “In addition to our primary objective of comparing HIV SpectraPoint to a standard phenotypic resistance assay, we also will determine the ability of our system to detect resistance among individuals with viral loads well below the limit of detection of traditional assays.”
SDC develops cell-based technologies to resolve various problems in drug development, environmental monitoring, and medical diagnostics.

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