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OC Auto Micro80新型粪便隐血检测仪

【 2004-11-24 发布 】 美迪医讯

美国Polymedco公司(Cortlandt Manor,NY,USA)推出了OC Auto Micro80粪便隐血检测仪,这种新型分析仪可以通过免疫化学试验方法检测粪便样本是否有出血,粪便隐血试验一直被建议作为常规检查项目来检测出血患者、以及对直肠癌或者消化道出血患者进行筛查。

传统上一直使用愈创木脂检测法(guaiac-based tests)手工检测粪便隐血。不幸的是:患者收集粪便样本进行筛查的依从性很低。这种依从性较低主要是由于传统粪便隐血试验需要饮食限制(使用愈创木脂法检测所必须的)以及收集粪便样本时候感官上不舒服。这种新型分析仪,OC Auto Micro80则免除了这些不便。检测结果不再受到饮食影响,而且新型收集装置将原来三次才能完成的样本收集减少为一次完成。


Analyzer Processes Test for Stool Blood
A new analyzer processes an immunochemical test to detect the presence of blood in stool samples, a test recommended for use in routine physical exams when monitoring for bleeding in patients or screening for colorectal cancer or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Traditionally, tests for blood in stool have been performed manually with guaiac-based tests. Unfortunately, the compliance rate of patients collecting samples for screening has been poor. This shortfall in compliance has been due mainly to dietary restrictions that are necessary with guaiac-based tests as well as for esthetic reasons associated with stool-specimen collection. The new analyzer, OC Auto Micro 80, eliminates both of these concerns because results are not affected by diet, and a new collection device reduces the three sample collections down to one. The OC Auto Micro 80 is the product of Polymedco (Cortlandt Manor, NY, USA).

Currently, the survival rate of colorectal cancer is 62%, but increased screening will likely identify patients in earlier stages of the disease, thus improving the survival rate and reducing the long-term medical costs associated with late-stage colorectal cancer, noted Polymedco. Because a fecal occult blood test leads to more invasive procedures, improved sensitivity and specificity such as that offered by the company’s automated test may reduce the number of false-positives, thereby lowering overall costs and reducing unnecessary invasive procedures.

本文关键字: 粪便隐血检测仪 
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