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【 2004-12-02 发布 】 美迪医讯

根据一项最新研究发现:用于治疗两种类型大脑肿瘤(小脑幕上原始神经外胚瘤与成神经管细胞瘤)的大剂量化疗与放疗,能够导致大脑白质在核磁共振成像检查(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)的时候上产生肿瘤样的改变。

该研究由来自St. Jude儿科研究医院( St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,Memphis,TN,USA)研究人员完成。该研究报道说:这种损伤被称为大脑白质损伤(white matter lesions,WMLs),会被误认为肿瘤复发,从而促使医生采用更加激进的方式(实际上是不必要的)治疗患者,即使用更大剂量的化疗和放疗。

St. Jude医院神经肿瘤科主任,该研究项目的主要作者Amar Gajjar医学博士在文章中写道:“放疗与大剂量化疗是一种我们希望尽可能保守地使用的治疗方法。这个新发现给广大临床医生提供了一个极其重要的警告,否则他们会将大脑白质损伤误认是实际存在需要进一步治疗的肿瘤。”该文章发表在2004年11月15日的《临床肿瘤学期刊》上(the Journal of Clinical Oncology)。


这篇文章的主要作者之一,St. Jude医院血液科-肿瘤科的Maryam Fouladi医学博士说:“对绝大多数儿童患者而言,接受治疗后进行核磁共振扫描所发现的病变是脑白质损伤而不是癌症。医生可以反复使用核磁共振扫描来随访这些最初的病变,以确定脑白质损伤是否消失。如果确实消失了,那就不是癌症也就无需治疗。但是即使这些病变是暂时的,有些出现这种病变的儿童却发展成永久的神经系统病变,例如吞咽困难。”



MRI May Show Brain Lesions as Tumors
High-dose chemotherapy and irradiation used to tread two types of brain tumors--supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) and medulloblastoma--can cause alterations in the brain’s white matter that appear like tumors when seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, according to a new study.

The study, conducted by researchers from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Memphis, TN,USA; www.stjude.org), report that this damage, called white matter lesions (WMLs), can be mistaken for recurrent tumors, prompting physicians to treat the patient aggressively--and unnecessarily--with more chemotherapy and radiation.

“Irradiation and high-dose chemotherapy are treatments we want to use as sparingly as possible. This new information represents an important caution sign for physicians who otherwise might assume that WMLs are actually tumors that need further treatment,?said Amar Gajjar, M.D., director of neuro-oncology at St. Jude and senior author of the study, published in the November 15, 2004, issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

WMLs often occur in patients with medulloblastoma or PNET who have been treated with radiation and high-dose chemotherapy following surgery. This research is also the first to observe the effect of these changes in white matter on intellectual outcome in children with brain tumors. Particularly, the study discovered the presence of WMLs is linked with a decline in neurocognitive, or intellectual, function.

“In the vast majority of children, the changes seen on MRI scans after treatment are WMLs and not cancer. Physicians can follow up these initial findings with repeat MRI scans to determine whether the WMLs disappear. If they do disappear, then it wasn’t cancer and didn’t require treatment. But even though these changes tend to be only temporary, some children with these changes tends to develop permanent neurologic problems, such as difficulty swallowing,?said Maryam Fouladi, M.D., from the department of hematology-oncology at St. Jude and lead author of the report.

The study was comprised of 127 patients who were followed for up to 13 months after the initial treatment for brain cancer. During the time, 22 of these patients developed WMLs following the treatment. The WMLs disappeared in 16 patients (73%) within 23.5 months after being detected. In two patients the WMLs remained after 19 and 31 months, respectively. Two other patients developed tumors again while still showing evidence of WMLs. In the remaining patients, the WMLs led to tissue breakdown, and patients with WMLs experienced a significant decrease in estimated IQ and math scores.

The investigators concluded that in patients with medulloblastomas or PNET who had been treated with irradiation and high-dose radiation, WMLs are typically short-lived and do not cause symptoms. WMLs, however, can mimic the early stages of tumor recurrence, and therefore make it hard for physicians to effectively diagnose tumor recurrence.

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