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【 2004-12-12 发布 】 美迪医讯

一种被称作Lumenis One的新型激光平台,在2004年11月意大利佛罗伦萨举行的欧洲皮肤病与性病学会年会上亮相。

Lumenis One包含了三种技术:光谱再生强烈脉冲光波治疗皮肤疾病、二极管激光(LightSheer)去除毛发、Nd:YAG激光治疗下肢静脉和深静脉病变。界面友好的软件使得操作界面易于学习和操作。“智能”软件包括一个数据库、治疗端子、滤光器、以及光向导识别器。所有的Lumenis One治疗端子具有连续冷却和蓝宝石的光向导装置。Lumenis系统是以色列Lumenis有限公司的产品。在此次会议上,Lumenis公司还推出了该公司用于IPL昆腾系统升级的1064纳米Q-转换 ND:YAG产品。

Lumenis董事长和执行总裁Avner Raz说:“Lumenis One是设计用来满足医生对最新美容系统的特殊要求,是世界上用于美容治疗的最复杂的平台。”

Laser Platform for Aesthetic Applications
A new laser platform called Lumenis One was introduced at the annual meeting of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology in Florence (Italy) in November 2004.

Lumenis One combines three technologies: intense pulsed light for skin treatments using photorejuvenation, a diode laser (LightSheer) for hair removal, and the Nd:YAG laser for treatment of leg veins and deeper vascular lesions. User-friendly software makes the interface easy to learn and use. The “smart” software includes a database, treatment head, filter, and light-guide recognition. All Lumenis One treatment heads have continuous cooling and sapphire light guides. Lumenis is the product of Lumenis Ltd. (Yokneam, Israel). At the same meeting, Lumenis also introduced its 1064 nm Q-switched ND:YAG upgrade for the IPL Quantum system.

“Lumenis One was designed specifically to answer physicians’ requests for a state-of-the-art aesthetic system and is the world’s most sophisticated platform for aesthetic treatment technologies,” remarked Avner Raz, president and CEO of Lumenis.

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