  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Scandius公司推出已经获得专LI的前十字韧带重建系统  


【 2004-12-16 发布 】 美迪医讯

Stratis ST ACL系统是一种新型前十字韧带重建系统,可以减少手术时间和患者的创伤。该系统已经获得美国食品药品管理局的许可。


Stratis系统由美国Scandius BioMedical公司(Littleton, MA, USA)研制成功,该公司目前关注重点是关节内窥镜检查操作进行软组织前十字韧带重建,未来发展将涉及关节软骨、半月板修补以及其它运动相关性软组织与关节损伤。

Scandius生物医学公司创始人、主席、首席执行官Mark A. Johanson说:“我们相信Stratis将为外科医生提供手术与临床的效益,我们十分高兴将这项革新技术应用于外科医生迫切需求改进的领域,”
Patented ACL Reconstruction System 
A new anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction system is designed to reduce both surgical time and patient trauma. Called Stratis ST ACL, the system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The system is based on patented technology comprising reusable instruments and a fixation implant manufactured from both bioabsorbable and polymer materials. By allowing a surgeon to perform the procedure arthroscopically, both surgical time and patient trauma are reduced. The technology simplifies the surgical procedure by reducing the number of steps needed to perform the technique while also eliminating complicated, time-consuming measurements. The Stratis implant provides tissue-to-bone tunnel compression and fixation at the joint line of the femur, two key areas of need that surgeons have identified as unmet with current technology.

Stratis was developed by Scandius BioMedical, Inc. (Littleton, MA, USA), whose current focus is on arthroscopic soft tissue ACL reconstruction, with future developments addressing the areas of articular cartilage, meniscal repair, and other soft-tissue sports-related joint injuries.

“We believe Stratis will provide surgeons both surgical and clinical benefits, and we are excited to bring an innovative technology solution in an area where surgeons have expressed a need for advancement,” said Mark A. Johanson, founder, president, and CEO of Scandius BioMedical.

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