  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Roche与deCode结盟开发磷酸二酯酶抑制剂  


【 2004-12-30 发布 】 美迪医讯

罗氏公司(Basel, Switzerland)与deCode基因公司(Reykjavik, Iceland)宣布了一项为期3年的合作方案,共同研发磷酸二酯酶4抑制剂并将其商业化,这种抑制剂用于防止与治疗包括脑卒中在内的血管疾病。


罗氏公司全球研究总裁Jonathan Knowles指出:“我们十分高兴这种合作能够把目标基因的研究成果推进至下一个阶段的药物研究。这是当代以患者为中心制药研究与开发的良好范例,而这是以通过遗传学、基因组学以及相关学科的进展促进了分子病理学根本认识的不断进步为基础的。”
Alliance to Develop Inhibitors for Vascular Diseases
A three-year collaboration to develop and commercialize phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors for the prevention and treatment of vascular disease, including stroke, has been announced by Roche (Basel, Switzerland) and deCode genetics (Reykjavik, Iceland).

Under the terms of the alliance, decode will use its structure-based drug design capabilities to optimize lead compounds and begin development. The two companies will share the costs of drug discovery and clinical trials, and decode may receive milestone payments and royalties based on drug sales. DeCode is a biopharmaceutical company applying its discoveries in human genetics to the development of drugs for common diseases. The company’s population resources have enabled it to isolate key genes contributing to major public health challenges.

“We are happy to move this from collaborative genetically driven target discovery activities to the next phase of drug research,” noted Jonathan Knowles, president of Global Research at Roche. “This is a good example of modern patient-focused pharmaceutical R&D, which is based increasingly on a fundamental understanding of molecular pathology made accessible through genetics, genomics, and associated disciplines.”

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