  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 骨髓脂肪含量检测有助于预测骨骼稳定性  


【 2004-12-31 发布 】 美迪医讯


乔治敦大学医院(Washington DC, USA)研究人员进行的一项研究证实:骨髓脂肪含量增高是反应骨质疏松的独立指标。磁共振光谱检测是一种非侵入性的检查骨髓脂肪的方法。磁共振光谱检测能够在脊柱核磁共振检查的时候进行。这个小规模研究包括了26例患者,同时进行了腰椎磁共振光谱检查以及双重X线吸收扫描检测。结果15例患者脊椎椎骨无异常发现,而11例患者显示出骨质疏松的迹象。



Bone Marrow Fat Helps Predict Bone Stability
Evaluating bone marrow fat (BMF) in combination with bone mineral density (BMD) can better predict bone weakening. BMD assessment with dual-x-ray absortiometry (DEXA) is currently the most commonly used way of determining bone weakening. Investigators have long questioned whether there may be other measurable bone parameters that can indicate mechanical stability of bone.

A study performed by investigators at Georgetown University Hospital (Washington DC, USA) demonstrated that increased BMF is an independent marker of bone weakening. Magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy was utilized to assess BMF noninvasively. MR spectroscopy can be performed in conjunction with a spine MRI. This pilot study included 26 patients who had undergone both MR spectroscopy and DEXA of the lumbar spine. Fifteen had normal-appearing spine vertebra and 11 demonstrated signs of bone weakening.

Researchers have long suspected that increased bone fat content represents a bone risk factor. However, before MR spectroscopy, clinicians needed to examine bone fat by surgically removing bone samples from patients. A noninvasive technique such as this now opens new diagnostic prospects, according to the investigators.

If these results are validated by larger studies, increased fat accumulation in bone could be treated with new drugs, in an effort to avoid additional bone weakening, according to the Georgetown University researchers. The study was published in the December 20004 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology.

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