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【 2004-12-31 发布 】 美迪医讯



PaxScan 4030CB系统设计用于新兴的锥形光束横断面X线影像市场。这两种探头都是由Varian医疗系统公司(Palo Alto, CA, USA)研制开发的。这种面板是Varian肿瘤影像检查和治疗技术的主要组成成份,包括强烈放射治疗模拟设备与确诊设备,以及实时影像引导放射治疗的成像设备。它还适用于需要大20英寸对角线成像区域的医疗诊断X线设备。

Digital X-ray Image Detectors
A new line of flat-panel digital x-ray image detectors includes a system designed for the cardiac and traditional C-arm fields.

The PaxScan 2020 provides enhanced real-time imaging capability, and is suitable for applications utilizing nine-inch image intensifier tubes. It incorporates a fast command processor and is optimized with extended memory for operating indifferent acquisition modes, from 1-60 frames per second. The active imaging arc is close to the panel’s edge, for unrestricted access to the patient. An optimized pixel structure ensures low image lag and an improved signal-to-noise ratio.

The PaxScan 4030CB system is designed for the emerging cone-beam cross-sectional x-ray imaging market. Both detectors were developed by Varian Medical Systems (Palo Alto, CA, USA). This panel is a major component of Varian’s oncology imaging and treatment technologies, including the Acuity radiotherapy simulation and verification device and the On-Board Imager accessory for real-time image-guided radiation therapy. It is suitable for medical diagnostic x-ray equipment requiring a large 20-inch diagonal imaging area.

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