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【 2005-01-07 发布 】 美迪医讯





Radiation Sensitizer Used to Treat Brain Tumors
A cancer investigator is comparing the effects of whole-brain radiation therapy with supplemental oxygen with or without efaproxiral (Efaproxyn), an experimental radiation sensitizer, in individuals with brain metastases originating from metastatic breast cancer.

It is thought that efaproxiral may improve the effectiveness of whole brain radiation therapy in brain metastases from breast cancer, according to researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago, IL, USA).

Results from a previous study suggested that the addition of this agent to whole brain radiation therapy doubled survival rates among patients with metastatic breast cancer and considerably improved their quality of life. Efaproxiral is the first synthetic small-molecule agent created to “sensitize” oxygen-deprived regions of tumors before radiation therapy by facilitating the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, and increasing the oxygen level in tumors.

The presence of oxygen in tumors is a fundamental element of the effectiveness of radiation therapy in cancer treatment. By increasing tumor oxygenation at the time of treatment, efaproxiral may boost the efficacy of conventional radiation therapy. Unlike other radiation sensitizers or chemotherapies, this agent does not have to cross the blood brain barrier or enter the tumor to be effective.

本文关键字: 放疗激活剂 
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