  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 荷兰Pie公司推出三维/四维超声波系统  


【 2005-01-07 发布 】 美迪医讯


该系统叫做Picus-Just 3D,是一种经济划算、易学易用的设备,能够让医生为患者提供三维超声检查的选择。系统是由荷兰Pie医疗设备公司研制开发的,该公司是意大利Esaote S.p.A公司的一个分支机构。系统三维立体视觉功能所生成的影像,在操作者佩戴特殊立体视觉眼镜的时候,能够真实“感觉”到影像的深度与尺寸。联合使用Picus's 3D影像以及由Picus-Just超声软件生成的高清晰度3D透视图,能够产生独特的三维体验。

该系统配备在Esaote's ob/gyn-专用超声系统(Picus)上。在进行传统二维检查的时候,使用几种专有过程,操作者就能够生成图像再现三维影像以及四维电影。这些结果甚至无需键盘操作就可以在数秒内存档。所有的影像与动画包括立体视觉文件,可以很方便地储存在CD或者其他储存介质上,让患者带回家在任何个人计算机上观看。


3D/4D Ultrasound System
A new three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound system produces high quality 3D images and four-dimensional (4D) animations.

Called Picus-Just 3D, the system is a cost-effective and easy-to-learn-and-use system for physicians who want to offer their patients the option of 3D ultrasound. Developed by Pie Medical Equipment bv (Maastricht, the Netherlands), a division of Esaote S.p.A. (Genoa, Italy), the stereoscopy feature creates images where the user truly “feels” the dimension of depth while wearing special anaglyph glasses. The combination of the Picus’ 3D images, with the high-resolution 3D rendering produced by the Picus-Just 3D ultrasound software, delivers an exceptional 3D experience.

The system is available with Esaote’s ob/gyn-dedicated ultrasound system, the Picus. Using several proprietary processes, the ultrasound user can create photorealistic 3D images and 4D movies while performing a conventional 2D exam. The results are achieved in seconds without even touching the keyboard. All images and animations, including the stereoscopy files, can easily be stored on a CD or other memory device for patients to take home and view on any personal computer.

The system can be configured as an upgrade for an installed Picus or as an option on a new Picus, and can be used with all convex and endocavity Picus probes.

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