  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 西门子公司推出新型核磁共振检查技术  


【 2005-01-10 发布 】 美迪医讯


这个系统叫做Magnetom Trio,在增强影像质量的同时,能够显著提高工作流程而且无需对患者进行复位以及手工改变螺旋元件。Tim体表螺旋设计具有灵活的螺旋元件以及182厘米解剖学覆盖设备,而使用其它类型核磁共振检查系统进行全身核磁共振检查的时候,需要放射科医生改变螺旋元件并且患者需要三次复位。结果,影像质量提高,信噪比提高了100%,获取影像时间也缩短。

该系统是由西门子医疗公司(Erlangen, Germany)研制开发的。在不牺牲影像质量的前提下,可以应用于所有机体器官包括心脏、脊柱、腹部、全身以及整形外科临床与基础研究的3T核磁共振检查扫描。系统配备西门子syngo用户界面可以与其它核磁共振系统、诊断模式以及医院信息系统相兼容,给医疗专家提供了准确的资料与患者病情。
New MRI Technology for Clinical Applications
A new 3 Tesla (T) whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system is enhanced with Tim (total imaging matrix) technology, a whole body surface coil design that combines up to 76 integrated coil elements with up to 32 radiofrequency (RF) channels, and is suitable for advanced clinical applications.

The system, called Magnetom Trio, is capable of significantly improving workflow by virtually eliminating the need for patient repositioning and manual coil changes, while providing potentially enhanced image quality. Tims’s surface coil design enables flexible coil combination for large anatomic coverage up to 182 cm, whereas other MRI systems require the radiologist to change coils and reposition the patient three times for a whole body MRI procedure. As a result, image quality is increased by up to 100% higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and acquisition times are shortened.

Developed by Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany), the system is suitable for clinical or research MRI scanning of all organs and all body regions, including cardiac, spine, abdominal, whole-body, and orthopedic MRI at 3 T. Combined with 3Tcare and iPAT, the Magnetom Trio addresses potential challenges typical with other 3T systems, but without image quality compromises. Equipped with Siemens’ syngo user interface, it is compatible with other MRI systems, diagnostic modalities, and hospital information systems, giving healthcare specialists comprehensive background and details of a patient’s condition.

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