  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Suros公司推出ATEC蓝宝石整合式乳房活检系统  


【 2005-01-14 发布 】 美迪医讯




曼哈顿诊断放射学的Ilona Hertz医生说:“我使用Suros标准细针已经快1年了,我喜欢使用。将核磁共振细针配备到我的设备上之后,我能够帮助99.9%的女性,无论她们乳房是大是小,或者她们的病变很难触及。”

All-in-One Breast Biopsy System
An all-in-one, vacuum-assisted breast biopsy system offers compatibility with the diagnostic imaging modalities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and stereotactic imaging.

Called ATEC Sapphire, the new system features an MRI-compatible petite needle with a hemispherical tip that allows doctors to biopsy women with thin breasts, access biopsy targets close to the skin wall, or biopsy thinly compressed breasts without concern for skin perforation.

The Sapphire system is the product of Suros Surgical Systems, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN, USA), and offers high-risk women the option of early cancer detection without invasive surgery.

The ability to perform vacuum-assisted breast biopsy with MRI guidance is gaining wide acceptance following recent studies supporting the efficacy of MRI-guided biopsy for women at high risk for breast disease and cancer. Doctors using the Sapphire system have cut the typical 90-minute procedure time in half, making MRI-guided breast biopsy a viable economic option, especially when compared to surgery.

“I have been using Suros’ standard petite needle for almost a year and I love it,” said Dr. Ilona Hertz, a radiologist with Manhattan Diagnostic Radiology (New York, NY, USA). “With the addition of the MRI petite needle to my equipment, I’ll be able to help 99.9% of women, no matter whether they’re large- or small-breasted, or if their lesion is difficult to reach.”

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