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【 2005-01-17 发布 】 美迪医讯





Fully Portable Video Laryngoscope
A new fully portable video laryngoscope can dramatically reduce the risks associated with difficult intubations.

The self-powered, self-illuminating laryngoscope provides unrivalled vision of the larynx and offers high performance, single-use optical blades to combat cross-infection. The instrument has on-board miniature camera and display technology. An image of the larynx is captured by the disposable blade and is transferred to a compact flat panel mounted at the top of the handle.

This new Mcgrath Series 5 laryngoscope is the result of four years of international research and development by scientists at Aircraft Medical (Edinburgh, UK), who said it is the first fully portable video laryngoscope. The company works extensively with doctors in Europe and the United States to develop new and miniaturized technology to meet real and urgent clinical needs, and has won numerous national awards for outstanding design and technologic development.

Aircraft Medical states that its approach to product development is different. “Hundreds of medical specialists contribute to our research and development. Infection control nurses, consultant anesthetists, trainee anesthetists, paramedics, resuscitation officers, and ambulance crews are involved in every stage of the design process.”

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