  首页 > 美迪医讯 > iCAD公司研制成功CAD乳房影像鉴别系统  


【 2005-01-17 发布 】 美迪医讯


ClearLook CAD影像鉴别工具包由iCAD公司研制成功,与iCAD公司的放射医生阅片工作站配套使用,能够提供全幅高清晰放大功能,使得放射医生能够放大乳房影像的任何区域。系统为放射医生提供了感兴趣区域与钙化、肿块相关的描述性信息,帮助放射医生了解为什么CAD标记出或者未标记的任何特定病变。


CAD Image Characterization System
A computer-aided detection (CAD) characterization system has recently been developed that presents breast images marked to show suspicious features on a display screen typically located where mammography films are read.

The ClearLook CAD image characterization package, developed by iCAD, Inc. (Nashua, NH, USA), used in combination with iCAD’s radiologist review station provides full-image, high-resolution zoom capabilities to allow the radiologist to enlarge any area of the breast image presented. The system provides the radiologist with descriptive information related to calcifications and masses in the region of interest, helping the radiologist understand why a specific set of features was marked, or not marked, in a CAD study.

“Because ClearLook provides enhanced viewing and hard data related to the pathology in question,” said Scott Parr, iCAD’s president and CEO, “it provides additional support to the physician in recognizing and addressing early indicators of breast cancer. The system, available as an option for iCAD’s Second Look 500 mammography systems, will also be available as an option on iCAD’s Second look 300 system.

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