  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Bristol-Myers公司推出家用HbA1c检测设备  


【 2005-01-18 发布 】 美迪医讯


这项检测项目叫做ChoiceDM,是一次性使用的设备,允许在家中的糖尿病患者监测疾病进程、帮助医护专家监测治疗反应。从一小滴血中只需要三个步骤就可以在八分钟之内得到检测结果。检测设备将无需医生处方即可在药店出售。这种设备是Bristol-Myers Squibb公司的产品。


美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的医学教授Steve Edelman医生说:“这种检测不仅方便,而且鼓励患者对自己病情更关注,并激励他们主动参与糖尿病的控制。毫无疑问ChoiceDM A1C家庭检测的广泛使用将在提高糖尿病的短期以及长期治疗效果。

Disposable Home Test for HbA1c
A test for measuring glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c, or A1C) that provides immediate results is designed for use by diabetes patients at home. The test has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Called ChoiceDM, the disposable device allows at-home diabetes patients to track their progress and help their healthcare professionals in monitoring response to treatment. The three-step test provides results in eight minutes from a small drop of blood. The test will be sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is the product of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (New York, NY, USA).

A1C is the preferred standard indicator for measuring long-term blood sugar control. The American Diabetes Association recommends A1C testing on all patients with diabetes up to four times a year. Patients who are modifying their diet or exercise regimen may measure their A1C levels to track their progress. Studies have shown that a 1% reduction in A1C decreases the risk of serious complications in diabetics, such as eye, kidney, and nerve damage. The ADA recommends that diabetics maintain an A1C level of 7% or less.

“Not only is it more convenient, but it will also motivate patients to be more informed and active participants in their own diabetes management,” commented Dr. Steve Edelman, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego (USA). “There is no question that the widespread availability of the ChoiceDM A1C home test will improve diabetes care over the short and long term.”

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