  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Dunlee公司推出放射性玻璃试管的一揽子解决方案  


【 2005-01-20 发布 】 美迪医讯



Dunlee公司市场与销售部副总裁David Kuehn说:“玻璃实验器具解决方案为客户提供了一站式服务,包括所有的玻璃器具、可预测的月度开销以及24/7小时的技术与服务支持。一个CT或者X线试管的差错就意味着重大的、不可预测的损失以及对临床医疗工作的中断。”Dunlee公司式荷兰飞利浦医疗公司的分公司。

Radiology Glass Tube Replacement Program
With a new innovative program for predicting and managing glassware replacement costs, radiology departments can now budget glassware expenses and manage cash flow with monthly installments.

Glassware Solutions is a program that covers all tube types in a radiology department, regardless of the manufacturer. The program was developed by Dunlee (Aurora, IL, USA), a medical imaging components manufacturer, which produces more than 70% of the tube types used in diagnostic imaging equipment. Dunlee also has well-established supply relations with other leading manufacturers for products that it does not manufacture.

“Glassware Solutions offers customers one-call sourcing, total glassware coverage, predictable monthly expenditures, and 24/7 [hour] technical and service support,” remarked David Kuehn, vice president of marketing and sales at Dunlee. “A CT [computed tomography] or x-ray tube failure can mean a large, unpredictable expense and disrupt patient care.” Dunlee is a division of Philips Medical Systems (Eindhoven, The Netherlands).

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