  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Power3公司致力于筛选乳腺癌早期诊断的生物学标志物  


【 2005-01-23 发布 】 美迪医讯



Power3医疗公司首席安全官Ira. Goldknopf博士说:“我对我们利用血液来检测与这种危害巨大的疾病相联系的关键性蛋白质的初步研究结果感到十分鼓舞。我们依然确信:在乳腺癌早期阶段检测的关键存在于某种蛋白质的改变之中。”


Protein Biomarkers for Breast Cancer
Researchers are testing special blood samples to identify and track protein biomarkers for the early indication of breast cancer in blood serum.

The research is part of a research agreement between Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (The Woodlands, TX, USA) and Mercy Women’s Center (Oklahoma City, OK, USA). The two groups have been collecting blood samples from women undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast. The database now accounts for the largest collection of samples tied to MRI results in the United States. The more samples tested, the more accurate the team can become in identifying specific protein biomarkers unique to women with breast cancer.

“I am encouraged by our initial discoveries utilizing blood serum to detect critical proteins associated with this devastating disease,” noted Dr. Ira Goldknopf, CSO of Power3 Medical. “We continue to believe that the key to detection of breast cancer at its earliest stages lies in the changes of one’s proteins.”

Power3 Medical is engaged in the discovery of protein footprints, pathways, and mechanisms of disease that its proprietary technology can detect in patients. These discoveries are being used to develop screening and diagnostic tests for the early detection and treatment of disease.

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