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Neoventa公司推出STAN S21胎儿监测系统

【 2005-01-25 发布 】 美迪医讯


根据乔治亚医学院研究人员的说法:单独使用心率监测能够提供可怕的错误的安全感,该医学院是研究联合应用心率监测与ST段监测项目的组长研究单位。被称作STAN S21,这种胎儿心率监测系统是由Neoventa医疗公司研制开发的,现在正在一项800例分娩的临床实验中接受检测。先前在英国和瑞典的8000例分娩中的研究发现,将血气异常的婴儿出生减少了50%,将不必要的剖腹产减少了20%;使用新系统监测的婴儿没有出现脑缺氧性损伤。

乔治亚医学院妇产科主任、教授、首席研究员Lawrence D.Devoe解释说:“这是第一项实质性的进步,将监测水平提升到了新的水平,有助于增加监测仪器的精确度,并帮助操作者获得更好的临床结论。”



Fetal Monitoring That Reduces Brain Damage
Monitoring ST segment activity along with standard fetal heart rate during labor appears to reduce the number of babies born with hypoxic brain damage as well as unnecessary cesarean sections (C-sections).

Heart-rate monitoring alone can provide a horribly false sense of security, according to researchers at the Medical College of Georgia (Augusta, USA), the lead site for a study of a new system that combines heart monitoring with ST segment monitoring. Called STAN S21, the fetal heart monitor system was developed by Neoventa Medical (Molndal, Sweden) and is now being tested in a trial of some 800 labors. Prior studies during 8,000 labors in the United Kingdom and Sweden found a 50% reduction in babies born with abnormal blood gases, a 20% reduction in unnecessary C-sections, and no hypoxic brain damage in babies monitored with the new system.

“This is really the first practical breakthrough in moving the field of monitoring to the next level, that is helping the precision of the tool and helping people who use it to make better clinical decisions,” explained principal investigator Dr. Lawrence D. Devoe, professor and chair of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the Medical College of Georgia.

The studies of the device are not randomized. With parental consent, the device is being used in pregnancies at least 36 weeks along, with the baby pointed head first and where there is enough concern to place an electrode on the head rather than monitor heart rate via the mother’s abdomen. Dr. Devoe classifies these labors at the “higher end of risk.”

“What we are looking at here is translatability of a system that has already been tested and proven in other countries,” he added.

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