  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Endo公司缓解术后疼痛的DepoDur在北美上市  


【 2005-01-27 发布 】 美迪医讯




Duke大学医学中心麻醉科助理临床教授Gavin Martin医生说:“使用DepoDur我们有效控制患者疼痛,较少使用笨重的设备,还能够提高医院的经验。”

Post-Surgery Pain Reliever
A new epidural that does not require a catheter or intravenous (IV) drip enables post-surgery patients to get the relief they need for 48 hours without any inconvenience or maintenance.

Called DepoDur (morphine sulfate extended-release liposome injection), the medication is delivered as a single epidural injection, using DepoFoam technology that allows the painkiller to be released over time into the epidural space. This may reduce the need for external tubes and pumps that are common with other forms of pain management following major surgery. DepoDur does not require an indwelling catheter for continuous pain relief, nor does the patient need to be attached to an IV pole.

DepoDur is indicated for pain management following major surgery, including hip and knee replacement, cesarean section, and major abdominal surgery. The medication has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), based on clinical data showing significantly improved outcomes in 876 patients undergoing major surgical procedures. Patients given DepoDur  medication. Depodur is marketed in the United States and Canada by Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Chadds Ford, PA, USA).

“With DepoDur, we can provide effective pain control for patients with fewer cumbersome devices, possibly improving the hospital experience,” stated Gavin Martin, M.D., assistant clinical professor of anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center (Durham, NC, USA).

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