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【 2005-02-03 发布 】 美迪医讯



美国衰老研究院神经基因实验室分子基因实验室主任Andrew Singleton博士解释说:“了解这个突变不仅对家族性发病的帕金森病十分重要,而且对典型的散发性病例同样十分重要,这些散发性病例通常没有家族史。该基因突变有助于早期检测帕金森病。对这个基因如何发挥作用开展进一步研究或许能够帮助研究人员设计新的治疗方法。”


Genetic Mutation May Lead to Test for Parkinson’s
A recently discovered gene that is probably the most common genetic cause of Parkinson’s disease, according to two new studies, could lead to the development of a genetic test to detect the mutation in people at risk.

Investigators found that a mutation in the gene LRRK2 appears to occur in at least one of every 60 people who have the disease. Overall, the mutation could be responsible for up to 5% of Parkinson’s disease in people with a family history of the disorder, and may account for 1? -2% of cases in people who do not have a family history of the disease. The researchers found a mutation in one copy of the gene can lead to the disease. These findings were reported in the January 17, 2005, online issue of The Lancet.

“Knowing that this mutation is not only important in familial forms of disease but in typical sporadic disease, where there is no strong family history, could lead to earlier detection of Parkinson’s disease,” explained Andrew Singleton, Ph.D., chief of the molecular genetics unit in the Laboratory of Neurogenetics of the U.S. National Institute of Aging (NIA, Bethesda, MD, USA). “Further study of how this gene works also might help scientists identify new treatments.”

LRRK2 was discovered by Dr. Singleton and colleagues. The gene encodes a protein named dardarin from the Basque work dardara, which means tremor, a major symptom of Parkinson’s disease. The gene was isolated on a region of chromosome 12 called PARK8 by investigators who studied five families with a history of Parkinson’s disease who lived in the Basque region of Spain or in England.

本文关键字: LRRK2基因,帕金森病 
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