  首页 > 美迪医讯 > CryoCath公司推出治疗心率不齐的冷冻疗法导管  


【 2005-02-17 发布 】 美迪医讯

一种新型导管装置被用于微创冷冻治疗心率不齐。这种装置叫做Freezor Max,已经获得勒美国食品药品管理局的许可。

根据批准的治疗指征,Freezor Max被用于心脏外表面(心外膜)以及内表面(心内膜)的治疗。通过设备的尖端输送-80度的低温到心外膜和内膜产生局灶性损伤。这种特性使得可以产生更大或者更深的损伤,用以治疗心率不齐例如室性心动过速附加旁路、心房扑动以及心房颤动。

Freezor Max还在接受评估做为治疗阵发性心房扑动工具包的一部分。在这个方案中,它被用于双向阻断心房扑动,这是一种用于治疗房扑的可接受的方法。Freezor Max是CryoCath技术集团的产品。

美国克利夫兰诊所心脏中心电生理和起搏分部主任Patrick Tchou医生说:“ 没有广泛认可的方案来安全地消融流行率较高的心率不齐例如室性心动过速,尤其是起源于靠近心脏关键部位比如冠状动脉血管。早期使用冷冻疗法来治疗这种心率不齐是令人鼓舞的;而能够达到这些心脏关键部位的更有效设备,具有广泛的临床应用前景。”
Cryotherapy Catheter for Treating Arrhythmias
A new catheter device is used in minimally invasive cryotherapy for cardiac arrhythmias. The device, called Freezor Max, has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

For the approved indication, Freezor Max is used to make lesions on the outside (epicardial) surface of the heart as well as the inside (endocardial) surface. Then it is used to create a focal lesion on the epicardium or endocardium by delivering temperatures as low as -80oC at its tip. The ability to make larger or deeper lesions is well suited to treat arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia (VT) accessory pathways, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation (AF).

Freezor Max is also undergoing evaluation as part of the toolbox approach for the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. In this protocol, it is used to create a bi-directional block of the cavotricuspid isthmus, which is the commonly accepted method for the treatment of atrial flutter. Freezor Max is the product of CryoCath Technologies, Inc. (Montreal, Canada).

“There is no widely accepted procedure to safely ablate highly prevalent arrhythmias like VT, particularly when they originate near critical structures in the heart such as coronary blood vessels,” said Dr. Patrick Tchou, M.D., section head, electrophysiology & pacing, Cleveland Clinic Heart Center (OH, USA). “The early use of cryoablation to treat such arrhythmias has been very encouraging and a more powerful device to reach these difficult-to-reach locations in the heart has broad clinical utility.”

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