  首页 > 美迪医讯 > GE公司推出两种药物雾化治疗的新产品  


【 2005-02-17 发布 】 美迪医讯


Engstrom Carestation是为医生提供整合通气与监测模块(能够测量患者特定参数)的第一种重症监护呼吸系统产品。Aptaer Heliox输送系统提供了非创伤性途径来控制气道严重压缩的患者。两种产品都是GE医疗保健公司产品。机械呼吸支持和雾化药物疗法是两种治疗呼吸困难最常用的治疗方法。

两种产品整合了Aerogen集团公司的Aeroneb Pro版本产品。Aerogen公司根据两家公司的协议专门为GE度身定做了这个版本。Aeroneb Pro使用Aerogen的OnQ气溶胶发生器,专门设计用来提高将雾化药物输送给机械呼吸患者的效率。

GE健康保健公司呼吸组总经理Paul Baumgart说:“这两种包含Aerogen公司技术产品的投入使用帮助我们实现了这样的承诺:即为提高患者治疗提供一流的解决方案。”
Improved Aerosolized Drug Therapy
Two new critical-care products integrate a nebulizer system that offers clinicians ways to enhance the care of patients with respiratory problems.

The Engstrom Carestation is the first critical care respiratory product to offer doctors the ability to integrate ventilation with monitoring modules capable of measuring certain patient parameters. The Aptaer Heliox delivery system provides a noninvasive way to manage patients with severely compromised airways. Both products are from GE Healthcare (London, UK). Mechanical breathing support and aerosolized medications are two of the most common therapies administered to patients with respiratory problems.

Both products incorporate a version of Aeroneb Pro, developed by Aerogen, Inc. (Mountain View, CA, USA). Aerogen is supplying a customized version to GE for this purpose under an agreement between the two companies. The Aeroneb Pro utilizes Aerogen’s OnQ aerosol generators and is designed specifically to improve the efficiency of aerosolized drug therapy to mechanically ventilated patients.

“The introduction of these two products containing Aerogen’s technology helps us fulfill our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions to enhance patient care,” said Paul Baumgart, General Manager, GE Healthcare Respiratory Group.

本文关键字: GE公司,药物雾化治疗 
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